Thursday 31 January 2013


I can tell that some of you reading this have not been at rest, you've had a lot of issues to deal with lately; issues at work, at home, in school, and personal issues. You have been carrying huge burdens that have weighed you down; you are really stressed, very tired, and probably depressed. Cheer up, brothers and sisters, today is your day of rest!

Jesus gives rest. Isaiah 14:3 says, "When that day comes, the LORD will give you relief from your pain and suffering, from the hard slavery you were forced to do." Amen. That day that you've been praying for is today! Today is your day of rest. Isaiah 32:18 says you will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, and in undisturbed places of rest. Glory to God!

God gives His beloved rest. God loved Solomon, and He gave him rest. Solomon said, "The Lord my God has given me peace on every side; I have no enemies, and all is well." 1 Kings 5:4. That shall be your portion today and always in Jesus' name. Peace on every side - on your job, in your home, in your business, etc. And all shall be well with you - financially, maritally, and otherwise. Amen.

Here's what you should do now: give God thanks and start living by faith. Stop complaining, stop walking around with a long face, stop being sad and moody; this is the day that the Lord God has made! Rejoice and be glad in it. Believe me, God has given you rest. Shalom.