Saturday 5 January 2013


Visions are pictures, desires, ideas and thoughts of what we want to happen, birth, create or bring to life (Genesis 11:4). God may give us visions of a glorious end without revealing the steps to getting there. He wants to lead us there! One day at a time, He will give us guidance and direction. Visions are products of imagination or revelation. In other words, visions proceed either from the mind or from God (Nehemiah 2:12b). No divine vision is ordinary, insignificant or irrelevant. People may not understand it, and may try to discourage you, but don’t take your eyes of your vision! Don’t lose your vision; don’t abandon your God given vision; pursue it relentlessly. Visions are meant to be achieved, and achievement of them results in fulfillment. You are successful to the extent to which you fulfill your visions. In other words, success is measured in terms of achievement of visions. Vision should provoke action. God expects us to run with visions that He has given to us. Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Some visions require helpers, and the helpers require unity both with themselves and the visionary in order to actualize the vision (1 Chronicles 12:18, Genesis 11:6). For visions to come to pass, passion, favour, faith, focus, courage, ability, wisdom and grace are required. Your vision might require you to take risks, but you won’t lose if are doing God’s will. Make no mistakes about it; Satan will always attack a God given vision, because every God given vision is that the will of God be done on earth as it is done in heaven. There might be obstacles on the road to accomplishing visions; see them as hurdles; jump and pass them! Even if the visions are personal ones, they can still be backed by God as long as it is for His glory and not contrary to His word. Ephesians 3:20 says God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. There is no vision that is greater than God! No matter how big your vision is, I decree that it shall come to pass in the name of Jesus!


  1. Another great piece! Good reading!!

  2. I know God gives you visions. He will direct your journey. This is mere confirmation for me. Thanks
